inclass blog: P3 review

my project is on the health problems associated with non-organic produce so my project is essentially trying to inform people and show them the difference between organic and non-organic produce through the use of social media, recipes, and other online distribution forms. From this project I have learned a lot of different skills such as creating an informative social media account that has a specific agenda. I have also learned how to use things like photo-shop to create an advertisement, which could be a very handy skill to know for the future. Something that I still need to learn is time management. during this project I don’t think that I managed my time as well as I could have. another thing from this project that I need to still learn is how to create a recipe, it is not very easy to do and I think with practice I could become a lot better at it.

in class blog post: remix the genre assignment

the alternative approach I would do with genre 1 or 2 I would probably use a youtube channel as an all organic cooking show. This would be effective because It would hit all the same points as my current genre uses. it would look like a regular cooking show that you would probably see on food network or any of those kinda of channels but it would only be using organic foods to make completely organic meals, that contain zero pesticides and has no pesticide related health risks associated with them.


I was out of town due to easter so I missed the work shop and did not get feed back regarding my project yet. however, I will obtain feed back as soon as get it from class and will update this post to reflect that information


in class blog post remediation

The ride of the valkyries sounds to me like it composted about some sort of battle that was taking place. it goes from very up beat to very dark and at times extremely suspenseful. you can tell when they are loosing the battle based on the the way the song goes up and down from up beat to and empowering to very dark which give the listener a sense of winner or loser in the fight at the very end of the song it goes very slow and dark which give the sensation of the battle is being lost and coming to an end but at the last second the temp changes and speeds top then slows down to an up beat tune and I feel this gives a sense of victory for which ever side the composer was rooting for.

Part #2

another thing that I think of when I hear this song is the Harry Potter. my mind instantly goes to like a quittach game of where everyone is flying around and at some point they drop the ball or the snitch gets a way. they are just some many possibilities for what this song could mean but I would say most of them would have to do with something that is very intense. that start is very encouraging then it picks up speed which increase the intensity of what scene could be paired with it.


project#3 proposal

just to start off. I’m a little confused about this project still. I thought I understood it but now not so much. I will definitely be asking some questions about it in class.

The first source/artifact that I really like as of now is a video from a cooking show on youtube that only cooks with organic foods. so this is very relevant to keeping the topic from my project#2. This is really solid for my project because it show that there are people out there that are very interested in eating only organic and they want to share that with the world.

The second source that i have picked for right now is an Instagram page that is all about organic farming. I think its really cool because you get to see what fruits and vegetable are supposed to look like without the use of fertilizers, pesticides, or waxes. All the produce is very fresh and natural looking.

The third source that I would like to use as of now is an online blog about the dangers of pesticides and all that kinda of stuff. there is a lot of different blog articles on this blog about it pesticides and their dangers for human consumption


The first most important aspect of design elements in my opinion is contrast. This is because it talk all about aesthetics. Aesthetics are extremely important because thats the first thing someone is going to notice when viewing something for the first time. Contrast specifically refers to the visual differences in elements on a page. This is very important because with out the use of contrast there would be nothing to catch the viewers eye. The second aspect of design that it think is important is text and type. This is because choosing the correct way to say things and in the correct color and font is extremely important when trying to make a user friendly a document. The next design element that I think is important is proximity. proximity is the grouping of elements that have something in common. This is important to makes sure that like things are together because if not then it will be very difficult for user to find. the lest element that is think is important is alignment. This very important becuase alignment is the placement of elements on a page, This is crucial when making a user friendly/ cohesive interface. according to me what qualifies something a good design is if something is visually appealing. in my opinion the best why for something to be visually appeal is for it to smooth yet edgy. this way it is not boring but not overwhelming.


Gwen did her project by starting to just write ideas down that are coming to mind. She didn’t care what her rough draft would look like because it was just a rough draft and just used to get her ideas down on paper. She knew that she would have to last revision her paper in order to make it good and a complete and coherent final draft.  This relates to what we had/have to do in project 2 & 3  because we have had to make a rough draft for each in order to get our thoughts down on paper and get a base for the paper. Then thought the process of drafting to a final project revise until there is a good and appropriate final draft for the project. This is also relevant to the projects because it talks about using sources to write the paper and specifically for project 2 we had to use a lot of sources in order to make a clear and concise research argument for the final draft of the project.


based on the feed back that I have received from my instructor and my peers the revisions that I will make to project number two before submitting my final draft on Sunday will include the following, paraphrasing down some of the quotes that I used in my paper. also because I will be shrinking down these quotes I will also need to write a little more to my paper in order to hit the required word count for the assignment. going back to what I said earlier about paraphrasing quotes was really just about one in specifics because it was quite long and in reality the whole thing really didn’t need to be used. this constitutes revision because  by having the whole quote it kinda breaks up the flow of the paper and also makes the reader loose attention for what the paper is really about and just makes them think about the quote that was put in. by paraphrasing the quote I will be able to still provide the factual support that I was looking for with this quote but it will not be quite as distracting and I think it will over all make my project a much better and stronger argument.


In Jon Stewart on cross fire Jon Stewart’s argument  was that his show is on Comedy Central and that his show is more of entertainment than a new show and that it is really messed up that CNN could not see that. They respond to Jon Stewart by say that he wasted his time by asking the dumb questions that he did and that he came across as a kiss ass. They are missing that point that Jon Stewart is not trying to be the news but he is just a comedy show about current events in the country. I personally feel that watching this clip was a waste of my time and a that there was just a ton of hot air being passed around by two extremely irrelevant forms of “News” so if theres a way. to get my 6 minutes of my break back that would be cool. Applying Deductive and Inductive Reasoning


The first specific approach that I would say that applies to my research argument and my outline would be Developing Audience Awareness. This is for many reasons. The first reason that I say this is because of the nature of my research topic I think that a lot of people are unaware of the details and how prominent of an issue that it actually is. My research topic is how bad is non organic/ GMO beef for you compared to organic beef/ non GMO beef and also considers the potential health issues that the consumption of non organic beef poses to the general public. I would also say that is not a very simple topic so most people are not very informed and it is not very simple because there are a lot of factors so it isn’t super easy for people to teach them selfs about the topic unless they are able to do and extensive about of research on it. The second specific approach that I thought stood out to me is Finding a good middle ground. I think this is relevant to my research topic and my outline because for every person that might make the conclusion of how bad a non organic or GMO piece of beef is for human consumption there is also a person that says that eating a non organic beef really is that bad for your health. I believe that the truth to this research question lies somewhere in the middle of the two. So by using this specific approach I think that I will be able to get closer to the real truth of non organic beef vs organic beef which will allow me to have a much stronger research paper so I can ultimately make a conclusion for this paper.